Country List
Much of the functionality on this page is similar to standard WordPress lists. This includes column visibility, views, searching, bulk actions, pagination and column sorting. It also contains actions that are available for each individual country.
Countries can either be active or inactive. Inactive countries cannot be selected in the various forms throughout InvoiceEM.
Bulk Actions
The following bulk actions are available for countries:
- Deactivate – Move the selected countries into the Inactive view.
- Activate – This action is only available in the Inactive view and it moves the selected countries into the Active view.
- Delete Permanently – Deletes the selected countries entirely. This action is available in the Inactive view. It requires a confirmation click, and it cannot be undone.
- Delete All – This single click action is only available in the Inactive view and it deletes all inactive countries from the database. This action requires a confirmation click and cannot be undone.
Country Actions
The following basic actions (hover links) are available for each country:
- Edit – Opens the form for the country.
- Deactivate – Quickly deactivates the country. The notice displayed on success contains an Undo button for quick reversal. This link is excluded from the Inactive view.
- Activate – Quickly activates the country. The notice displayed on success contains an Undo button for quick reversal. This link is only available in the Inactive view.
- Delete Permanently – Remove the country from the database. Clicking this links triggers a confirmation dialog and cannot be undone. It is only displayed on the Inactive view.
The following country action (Actions column button) is available for each country:
- Add Note – Add a note to the country. This action is available for all countries.
Last updated on January 13, 2020