Knowledge Base

Invoice List

Invoices+ - Invoice ListFor more information on the core functionality for this page, visit Invoice List.


This added view contains schedules and recurring invoices that will be sent in the future. An hourly CRON job is added that sends invoices automatically using the added Bulk Send functionality.

Invoice Actions

The following invoicing actions (Actions column buttons) are added:

  •  Add Line Item – Clicking on this button slides open a line item form for the invoice. AJAX is used to pull in the rate and taxes for the invoice. Line items added using this form are added at the bottom of the list. This action is available on all views, but will trigger a confirmation on invoices that have already been sent.
  •  Download PDF – Clicking on this button triggers a PDF download for the invoice. This action is available on all views.

Last updated on January 11, 2020
