Knowledge Base

Settings – General

This page contains general settings for the plugin. It uses built-in WordPress functionality allowing you to re-order the meta boxes or hide the ones your won’t use. Below are details about the fields/functionality available in each meta box.

Settings - General - View SettingsView Settings

Show Generated By
When checked a small ‘Generated by InvoiceEM’ line is added to invoices and emails. If you don’t mind letting your clients know how you manage your business, we would appreciate the exposure.

Settings - General - Uninstall SettingsUninstall Settings

Delete Plugin Settings
When the plugin is uninstalled and this box is checked, all of the settings are deleted. This affects plugin extensions as well. InvoiceEM database tables and records are not removed.

Delete Plugin Roles
When the plugin is uninstalled and this box is checked, the user role is removed from the site. This affects plugin extensions as well.

Last updated on January 2, 2020
